The Unveiled Numerology Vol. 1

The Unveiled Numerology Vol. 1

Il primo volume in inglese di La Numerologia svelata.

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You do not necessarily carry the name you think


Author of Numeyoga, a numerology software, Wilfrid Pochat has been studying the science of numbers for the past twenty years. With his experience, he ends by making the following observation: traditional numerology gives interesting but incomplete results.


With the complicity of Michel Pirmaïer, a Sideralist astrologer who discovered the method described in this book, Wilfrid Pochat explains why there are often inaccuracies in readings based on this famous symbolism of numbers.


By unveiling the missing key, this book makes numerology efficient. With it, learn how numbers can reveal your true personality and your destiny. If one day in your life, you wanted to really know what was hidden behind the numbers, this book will finally answer your questions.


Page Count: 338
Trim Size: 6" x 9"
Language: English
Price: US$19,00




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